Method Statement for Mast Climbing Working Platform Installation

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High-level activities such as blockwork laying at height of 8 meters, plastering works at 9 meters height, lifting of MEP materials at second floor, installations of cladding above 12 meters height and many more are difficult to do. The use of the Mast Climbing Working Platform is the usual option that a site manager can think of.

But because of the criticality of the work at height, it will create high risk and work hazards. So we need to write the methodology of the activity so that you can identify the hazards along the way and point out the high risk then eventually you can create a control measure.

So here is the Method Statement for Mast Climbing Working Platform Installation.

1. Title

Method Statement for Mast Climbing Working Platform Installation

Video courtesy of Scanclimber

2. Purpose and Scope

The purpose and scope of this method statement are to show how is the proper way of installing mast climbing working platform as specified in the specification and approved drawing.

3. Reference

• Shop Drawingmastclimbingworkingplatform

4. Manpower

• Project Manager
• Construction Manager
• QC Engineer
• Safety Officer
• Project Engineer
• Site Engineer
• Foreman

5. Equipment & Tools

• Lifting (Mobile Crane)
• Truck/Pick up
• Manlift
• Forklift
• Ladder
• Scaffolding
• Mobile Scaffold
• Power Tools
• Measuring tape

6. Methodology

6.1 Delivery of Materials

6.1.1 All equipment and materials required for the construction of the said project will be delivered via the agreed entrance with the client. Materials will normally arrive by flatbed trailer to the designated working zone, speed limits and instructions from the client will be strictly adhered to at all times. All items delivered have undergone a quality check before leaving the contractors site. Equipment is free from damage or defects.

6.1.2 Arrival of equipment on site may be checked by site security if so required, site security may request a manifest in advance if required. All equipment supplied including delivery vehicles is compliant with local laws and client instructions. The contractor or client can request the use of their own banks man to escort the vehicles to the unloading area.

6.1.3 Access to the site and working area must be clear from debris to allow unhindered access for the installation materials and crew.

6.1.4 All deliveries will comply with local traffic laws and vehicle restriction times in line with local government laws and bylaws. Vehicles will strictly follow the designated delivery routes provided by the client.

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6.2 Material Storage and Off-Loading

6.2.1 The contractor will supervise at all times equipment offloading. All lifting gear including chains and strops are certified to the relevant BS standard and will be in full compliance with regulations at the given date of offloading. Equipment will be placed in an orderly manner close to the location of installation. All offloading will comply with work permits issued from the client.

6.2.2 Outriggers will undertake the offloading of equipment in full compliance with industry standards. The rigger will be fully trained and proficient in his assigned tasks.

6.2.3 The designated area for storage of equipment and materials will be kept clean and free from debris and obstructions to other site traffic. The contractor for parking of company service vehicles if required may also use this designated location.

6.3 Installation of MCWP

6.3.1 All personnel assigned to the erection of the mast climbing working platform have been thoroughly trained and is compliant with company rules and regulations plus industry standards. Only qualified personnel will be allowed on the structure. The structure is erected within given parameters and weight restrictions must be strictly adhered to. Relevant signage will post in critical areas.

6.3.2 Leveling the mast- climbing platform is of paramount importance, the leveling will be completed with the use of jacks and extendable outriggers. This complies with industry standards. The mast will be supported at all times ensuring a stable platform for lifting materials.

6.3.3 A qualified site electrician assigned by the contractor will complete electrical connections and power supply. The contractor’s site electrician will inspect all electrical termination. It is important to know that manufacturers’ recommendations will be the minimum requirement for all electrical installations.

6.3.4 Mobile cranes will be used during the mast installation. Cranes will remain in situ until the mast is verified as stable. The crane may be attached to the mast chassis for additional stability if required.

6.3.5 Top support tubing may be installed using a vehicle-mounted cherry picker. The correct couplers for the given size of the specific girder and will be attached rigidly to the load bearing truss for maximum structural strength.

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6.3.6 If extra platforms are to be installed the contractor will utilize the correct lifting platform or mobile crane to gain access for the platform installation.

6.3.7 After installation, all remaining equipment and tools will be removed leaving the site free from debris and obstructions.

6.3.8 Upon completion, the client’s staff will be trained in the operation and maintenance of the MCWP, when the client is satisfied the designated site engineer would sign off the job.

6.3.9 The client and the contractor for compliance purposes will record regular checks. All checks will be maintained and kept for an agreed period.

6.3.10 Moving platforms and dismantling the structure will be the exact reverse as the initial installation protocol.

6.3.11 A fully trained operative will undertake weekly safety checks. The safety checks will be recorded in a safety logbook and should be available for inspection at any time without prior notice. The operative must be fully trained by the contractor before any safety checks are recorded in the logbook.

6.4 Demobilization

6.4.1 When the contractor agrees the works complete and client the site will be cleared of all materials relevant to the installation. The site will be returned to its original condition. The contractor will leave no debris or obstruction on site.

7. Safety

7.1 Control of personnel at all times. Correct personal protection equipment. Verified training logs.
Correct signage. Use of barriers restricting access to authorized personnel adherence to manufactures safety protocols.

7.2 Permits will be validated by the site manager for lifting and working at heights. Hot and cold work permits to be secured before entering the working area.

7.3 All personnel will attend a safety briefing before commencing work personnel will be briefed on emergency site evacuation and safety compliance regulations.

7.4 Good housekeeping will be maintained around the equipment storage area and working area. Any obstructions will be removed to prevent tripping accidents from occurring.

7.5 It is important that daily briefings be performed as scheduled to provide the operative with a complete working knowledge of the expected working conditions on that day. Operatives should note the meteorological forecast and expect wind velocities expected when working at height.

7.6 All operatives working at heights should have received comprehensive in-house training and are certified to carry out works at height. The certification includes the use of tools and maintenance procedures while working at heights.

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7.7 Power tools will comply with in-house and on-site regulations, power tools will have the correct industrial sockets and will be color-coded to meet international standards and regulations.

7.8 Barricades will be installed in designated areas to prevent unauthorized personnel from entering the working area during offloading and while persons are working at height.

7.9 Works carried out by the heights team will be planned, the plans will be submitted to the heights team supervisor prior to commencing any works. The supervisor will sign off on the plan or reject the plan if the information is not sufficient.

7.10 All high-level works and maintenance personnel must comply with site regulations at all times. Before commencing any works at height, certification must be available for inspection by the site supervisor/manager who will assess the competence of the operatives before approving heights work.

7.11 Personal Protective Equipment or PPE will be worn at all time on site, full body harnesses will be worn by all personnel working at height with lanyards attached while working. High visibility jackets along with protective shoes, hardhat and goggles are to be worn at all times while on site.

7.12 Working permits, training certificates must be available for inspection at all times while onsite and must be produced if asked before any work will commence.

7.13 Manual handling of equipment will be carried out in a safe manner to prevent injury. The site must be kept clear of hazards such as obstructions to avoid injury from tripping. Hazards should be reported to the site supervisor immediately.

7.14 Signage is to be located in clear sight for all personnel and visitors entering the site.

7.15 The contractor will supply adequate fire extinguishers for firefighting while on site. The contractor will supply a fully stocked first aid kit while onsite.

7.16 At all times personnel will comply with the waste management policy of the client and adhere to the waste management procedures.

7.17 If needed the contractor will provide the correct illumination for all tasks requiring lighting.

End of Method Statement
What methodology do you use in the installation of your mast climbing working platform? Do you follow the same method statement as stated above? Share your thoughts below.
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