Method Statement for Blinding Works

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After completion of compaction and application of Anti-termite, the blinding shall then be cast.

But the QA/QC Engineer shall take first the approval of the applications of Anti-termite from the Engineer by submitting an Inspection Request ( IR ).

Here is the Method Statement for Blinding Works:

1. Title

  • Method Statement for Blinding Works

2. Purpose and scope

2.1 The purpose of this is to describe the measures and ways of doing blinding works on our project site. Works shall be carried out in compliance with the drawing and project specifications.



3. Work Procedure (Blinding Works)

3.1 Setting out

3.1.1 [Company] surveyor would conduct a site survey to stake out the lines and levels of the areas of the blinding to be cast. The mark shall be as per the approved drawing.

3.2 Application
      • After getting compaction test results which shall be equal to or above 95 percent of the Maximum Dry Density.
      • The shuttering form on the blinding must be fixed, aligned, and leveled properly before start pouring concrete.
      • The Engineer must check the setting out, dimensions, alignment, thickness, and the level for the shutter of the blinding through inspection request from the contractor.
      • The Anti-termite shall be sprayed on the compacted blinding area by using the approved materials and works will be as per the approved Anti-termite method statement.
      • The newly placed Anti-termite shall be properly covered by using an approved polythene sheet commonly with a 1000 gauge thickness.
      • The concrete must be cast within 24 hours after the Anti-termite has been placed.
      • The contractor must prepare a sketch showing the casting areas, pump and trucks access, pump location, concrete trucks checkpoints and submit to the Engineer.
      • Skilled laborers are provided with all safety requirements such s safety helmets, overalls, safety shoes, goggles. gloves, vests, etc.
      • Safety precautions shall be taken into consideration starting from the site entrance gate including the pump and trucks access to the surrounding of the casting area.
      • Proper light must be available for when concrete pouring at night.
      • The concrete trucks must unload the concrete within One-and-a-half hours from the batch loading time.
      • The blinding thickness shall be achieved as per drawing or specification.
      • The cast blinding shall be cured properly by covering wet hessian clothe.
      • Concrete must be cured two to three times daily for a period of 7 days.
      • The blinding shall then be protected with a safety warning device to prevent the cast blinding from damages that may cause by the working machinery.
      • The surface of blinding shall be made smooth, repair of thermal cracks and make true leveling to receive waterproofing bitumen.
Read also:  Method Statement for Excavation and Back filling Works

4. Safety

  1. All works shall comply with the safety procedure or instruction as set out in the project safety plan and municipality rules and regulations.
  2. Basic PPE shall be worn by all staff or laborers.
  3. Trained operators or banksman would be engaged to control or operate heavy equipment machines.

5. Equipment and Tools

  1. Heavy Equipment – Truck mixer, Concrete Pump, Boom Loader
  2. Activities Equipment – Wheel borrow, Surveying Instrument, Metal Tape

6. Materials and Reference

  1. Materials – 20 Mpa Blinding Concrete (C20/20 Grade)
  2. Reference – Specification Section – Concrete Works, Drawings

Related Article:

  1. How To Do A Compaction Test Or In-Situ Density Test
  2. How To Calculate A Compaction Test Report
  3. Method Statement for Anti-termite Treatment

Quality Engineer Tips:

a. Ensure that the Method Statement is approved prior to start work.

b. Engineers should make sure that the design mix of the concrete or blinding is approved by the Engineer.

c. You should also make sure that the Anti-termite treatment is done and properly sprayed onto the ground.

Read also:  Tolerances in Construction - Must Remember by Quality Engineer

d. Make sure that after the application of anti-termite treatment a polythene sheet must be placed prior to pouring concrete.

The Inspection and Test Plan shall be made together with the Checklist.

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