How To Close A Non-conformance Report (NCR)?

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In an ongoing construction project, we commonly receive a non-conformance report or NCR. Why we commonly receive this kind of issue? Is it a normal thing happening in a construction project or we misinterpret the drawing or is there a reason why we should receive NCR?

As I mentioned in this article 10-project-forms-that-a-qaqc-engineer-must-have that an NCR is sometimes used to withhold the payments, so everyone in a project must aware of this and take extra care upon delivering a project.

This is not only for QA/QC Engineers’ information but for the whole organization within the project. Here I will show a step-by-step on how to close the non-conformance report that has been issued.

The most practical reason why we received NCR is perhaps the specification is not met, drawing not followed, and material delivered or installed not as per MAR. And most commonly a non-conformance could be identified through site surveillance, work inspection, material inspection, testing, and quality audits.

A non-conformance can be detected by a consultant, QA/QC Engineer, and Project or Site Engineer but if it’s found by QA/QC Engineer an internal non-conformance notice shall be issued and that shall be resolved internally. But when the consultant finds it then the non-conformance report will then be issued.

So to prevent the delay of closure and may lead to withholding of payment here are the steps on how to immediately resolve a non-conformance report, NCR.

1. Set a Meeting with the Project Manager or Construction Manager:

Once you receive a non-conformance report, As QA/QC Engineer you are the one who will carry out for immediate NCR closure. Discuss with your quality manager if he is available if not, make an initial meeting with the PM or CM, and discuss with them what will be the actions to be applied. The manager shall suppose to assign a Project or Site Engineer to carry out the action to be taken. Once meeting adjourns and actions to be taken are set you will accompany the PE or SE to verify the cited location in the NCR.

Read also:  Here Are 4 Tips On How To Verify Non-conformance

2. Carry out corrective action: 

When a location of nonconformity is identified, corrective action shall start to implement. Let’s give an example of NCR “Concrete Bulged from Concrete Wall.” During chipping or hacking you should take a documentary photo this will serve as part of attachments as the initial action. A form of NCR that you can use and find here in 10-project-forms-that-a-qaqc-engineer-must-have to write your action taken.


3. Inspection of corrective action:

Once initial action has been done, bulged concrete has been chipped off. A QA/QC Engineer may then raise an inspection request or IR to the consultants for verification. Just make sure before bringing the consultant to the area, the chipped surfaces are cleaned and material for repair are in place so that after the consultants’ acceptance and approval of the area you can start the application of repair while it is being watched. Take a documentary photo during repairs.

This stage is a verification stage by consultants.


4. Closure of Documents:

When the inspection request is approved and make sure corrective action is written in the form as well as the preventive action, once the document is ready then it will be submitted through DTF but make sure the documentary evidence is attached such as photos and approved inspection request.

Read also:  Two Quality Ducuments That a Quality Engineer Can Issue to Construction Team

Here is a sample of a corrective and preventive action written below.



       YYY site crews (foreman and chargehand) have been instructed by the site management to      immediately rectify/reinstate the above mentioned non-corformances and we confirmed that the rectification was done in the following manner.

  • Loose concrete from honeycomb was chipped out with handheld tools to ensure that there are no voids spaces remained. Cleaning was made on the affected area in order to ensure that there is good bonding between the concrete and SEMENTO as approved material for repair.
  • Bulged area of the surface has been chipped out with 10 mm min. depression so that there is room for filling of SEMENTO as approved material for repair.


Site Engineers have been instructed to check and see to it after shuttering of such item of works if it is safe, stable and prepared enough to cast the concrete in it in order to prevent such cited non-conformances to be happened again.

Foreman and Chargehand are deeply instructed by the site management to enforce thorough inspection within their respective areas of assignment so that there would not be any nonconformances to be noticed.


QA/QC engineer are also making inspection for the their works pertaining to shuttering ensures that shutters are tightly supported with strut and strong enough to receive concrete, resist vibration and other factor that cause bulging of concrete.

Site engineer, who have the responsibility to verify and see to it that the work of his workmen are correct as per detailed drawing for carpentry or others.

If the inspection request is approved, the NCR is most likely to be closed. The closed NCR will then go to the document controller to log and update the revisions if it is in revision status. As a QA/QC Engineer, you will then update your register of NCR.

Read also:  Nonconformance Report - When to Raise and Avoid?

I hope that the above has helped those new engineers on how to close an NCR. If you have supplements you may write them down in the comment box below.

What is NCR?

NCR is a type of document that a construction team will receive if there is something not complied with from the approved drawing, approved material, and approved client requirements.

How do you write a nonconformance?

There should be an approved template of NCR to write a nonconformance report. There are many essential; areas to include in an NCR such as Title, Description, Location, Date, Signatories signatures etc.

Who can write a non-conformance?

It is the consultant who can write a nonconformance to be given to the main contractor. A QA/QC Engineer to be given to the construction team and subcontractors and suppliers.


This course is for those who want to embark to the world of quality in construction. Anyone can enroll and can apply to their respective sites. There is a lot to learn from this course from concrete, material, documents, inspections, method statements, inspection and test plan, checklist, and many many more. So why not try it!

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