Top 10 Best Civil Engineering Blogs and Websites – 2022

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Knowledge is significant. As a result, gaining insights on engineering and particularly civil engineering is fundamental. It is one of the prerequisites to enable an individual to learn more about civil engineering. Interestingly, most of the impressive and dynamic jobs are in the faculty of engineering. So I decided to write about the most famous civil engineering blogs.

Primarily, the most interesting engineering jobs are in the field of civil engineering. In fact, most civil engineers do exemplary work and they also earn good salaries. Civil engineering concerns projects such as designing freeways as well as constructing paths. It’s the dream of most engineers to plan and oversee the completion of their projects.

Usually, gathering interesting information on civil engineering helps individuals to connect with civil engineers’ gurus throughout the world. Apparently, you learn how different civil engineers perfect their projects and what tricks they apply to improve their civil engineering skills. If you need to keep your civil engineering skills sharp, it is significant to read great civil engineering blog.


Civil engineering blogs provide insights on embracing research and planning, sustainable engineering, as well as tutoring and managing next generations of civil engineers.

Here is a list of top 10 best civil engineering blogs and websites.

1. The Constructor

The Constructor is a civil engineer blog sire with lots of information on areas such as structural engineering and design, construction management, and building construction. It is an essential resource providing information to civil engineers, students and related professionals. The blog provides articles and information categorized in different sections.

Apparently, one of the exemplary features of this blog site is How to guide. On this blog site, you will find articles to offer you insights on the basics for civil engineers and techniques used to accurately carry out a wide range of tests.

The Constructor best civil engineering blogs:

What is Concrete?
Methods to Monitor Crack Width Changes in Concrete
Common Site Problems During Masonry Construction

The practical guides assume both testing methods and practical applications.

The Constructor blog site posts at least 7 posts in a week on their website

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The civil engineering blog has 451154 Facebook followers and 1662 Twitter followers.


This is a civil engineering education blog that attempts to engage you to a wide range of civil engineering topics as well as discussions. Apparently, achievement of this site is dependent on your on your involvement. Visit their website- to subscribe and you will savor all the content in completion.

The onlinecivil blog has 2,182,896 Facebook followers and 2,011 Twitter followers.

Their best civil engineering blogs or articles are:

High-Performance Concrete
Pile Design And Construction Practice
Reinforced Concrete Design Of Tall Buildings

3. American Society of Civil Engineers

asceThis is a tax-exempted civil engineering blog site that was founded in 1852 to act as a representative of the civil engineering profession throughout the world. ASCE publishes both technical and professional textbooks for civil engineers at their website

The ASCE blog has 345,084 Facebook followers, 43,500 Twitter followers, and 2486 G Plus Followers.

Their best articles and pages are:

POLICY STATEMENT 418: The Role of the Civil Engineer

4. CivilDigital

civildigitalThe CivilDigital civil engineering blog site is meant for civil engineers and learners. At, engineers’ forums, civil engineering notes, civil engineering seminars, civil engineering power point presentations, IES coaching, GATE preparations among others are available. CivilDigital website is where they posts at least one post per week. They have many fans both on Facebook and Twitter, 75945 and 3992 respectively.

Their best articles are:

What are the advantages of Integral Bridge over Bearing System in Bridges? by Anand Paul
Base Isolation System; Outline on Principles, Types, Advantages & Applications by Anand Paul
What is a Bridge Pier?

5. Engineering News-Record

engineeringnewsrecordEngineering News-Record is a construction magazine that has been in existence since the year 1974. It is an incredible New York civil engineering blog site that provides all the latest information in the construction industry, commentaries and news right from the contractors to suppliers and from suppliers to regulators. The site ( posts approximately 42 posts in a week’s time in their website They have 15474 followers on Facebook and 47086 fans on Twitter.
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Their best articles:

Canopies are Crown Jewel of Atlanta Airport by Aileen Cho
The Future of Construction Site Automation
The Top At-Risk Construction Managers and Design-Builders


6. Civilengineersguide is created for civil engineering professionals and undergraduates to ensure that they are up-to-date with the latest versions of informative articles. This blog posts approximately 1 post in a week in their website The civilengineersguide blog has both Facebook and Twitter fans, 2,000 and 667 respectively.

The best blogs:

Procedure on How To Cast Concrete Column
10 Reasons Why Civil Engineering Graduates Fail the Board Examination
How to De-shutter the Slab of a High-Rise Building

7. Civil Engineering Portal

civilengineeringportalThis is the largest internet based portal on civil engineering. Civil Engineering Portal blog site primarily intention is education to assist civil engineering learners as well as disseminating up to date knowledge on civil engineering software and projects. The blog site releases 4 posts in a month’s time on their website Civil Engineering Portal has 21374 and 27 fans on Facebook and Twitter respectively.

Their best articles are:

Compression Test on Concrete
Quality Control of Construction Testing of Concrete Cubes
28-Days Strength of Concrete in 15 Minutes

8. The Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat

Council-on-Tall-Buildings-and-Urban-HabitatThis is a Chicago based civil engineering blog site is the leading resource on tall buildings on planet earth for architects, builders of cities and engineers. This site’s ( mission is to provide information on tall buildings and at the same time achieve a sustainable environment.
Best articles

Their best three articles:

CTBUH Names 2016 Tall Building Award Recipients
100 Tallest Completed Buildings in the World by Height to Architectural Top
Countries Ranked by Number of 150m+ Completed Buildings

9. Iamcivilengineer

iamcivilengineerIamcivilengineer is civil engineering blog site that assumes lots of books, software as well as excel sheets available for downloading. Additionally, the site has frequent news, views and updates.

The site posts 2 posts in a week and it has fans on Facebook and Twitter, 22188 and 3957 respectively.
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Their best three articles:

15+ Essential Tips for Civil Engineers regarding quality of construction
Difference between Ordinary Portland Cement, Portland Pozzolana & Portland Slag Cement
Bar Bending Schedule for Circular Slab

10. Basiccivilengineering

basiccivilengineeringThis is a civil engineering blog site that provides basics of civil engineering and its entire sub-branches such as structural engineering. is among the best blog civil engineering sites. It makes use of articles in several categories such as machinery that is used in constructions, surveying among others.

Basic Civil Engineering has 28,900 and 690 fans on Facebook and Google Plus respectively.

Their best three civil engineering blogs or articles:

Measurement of materials and works
Sheet Pile Wall of Retaining Structure by Jeasika Jeyakumar
Sieve Analysis – Particle size analysis procedure

Related Articles:

  1. Top 15 Best Civil Engineering Quotes that Every Engineer can Follow and Share
  2. History Of Civil Engineering: Quality Engineering Is One Of The Branches
  3. Top 20 Civil Engineer And Quality Engineer Interview Questions And Answers

In conclusion, the above mentioned top civil engineering blog and websites assume a variety of information on civil engineering programs connoting that you have the prerequisite significant before embarking on anything relating to civil engineering.

What is Civil Engineering?

Civil engineering is a career and engineering discipline that deals with the design of a building or related structure, construction, and maintenance of the physical and naturally built environment, including public works such as roads, trains, light railways, bridges, canals, underground tunnels, dams, airports, sewerage systems, pipelines, structural components of buildings, skyways, communications, and railways

What is civil engineer?

A civil engineer is the one who designs any structures such as towers, dams, embankment, and roads. He performs a variety of task such as planning, designing, analyzing, etc.

What civil engineering blog or website you liked the most? Did you read all of the above blog sites? Share your thoughts below.
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