Method Statement for Installation of Kerbstone and Interlock Tiles Inside The Building

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In the construction of a high-rise building, there would be basements, perhaps 2 or 3 or more depending on the design procedureforinstallationofkerbstoneandinterlocktilesplus a ground floor. In these levels, there is car parking for the tenant cars if it is residential and apartment buildings or if that is a shopping mall there will be also parking for shoppers.

Along these car parkings, we need to install kerbstone and lay interlock tiles for the walkways and sidewalk. These two materials are always together in these type of works. So if you are a quality engineer, you have to make sure that the method statement for kerbstone and interlock tiles is submitted to the engineer for approval before you can start the activity on the site.

By the way, this method statement is different from the method statement for interlock works, this methodology is for outside the building.

Now, below is the method statement for kerbstone and interlock tiles inside the building that I developed for you to follow on your project.

1. Title

Method Statement for Installation of Kerbstone and Interlock Tiles Inside the Building

2. Purpose and Scope

The purpose of this method statement is to specifically describe the tasks that company needs to perform when installing Kerbstone and Interlock and all the additional work to complete the project. Our goal is to ensure the quality and safety of our work.

This Method Statement describes the methods and procedures to be used for installing Kerbstone and Interlock on Ground floor and Basement 1 & 2 parking areas according to project requirements.

3. Field of Application

This Method Statement is for the installation of Kerbstone and Interlock on the Ground floor and Basement 1 & 2 of Block A & B Gridline (1 – 7/A – C) to ensure that the installation is done properly on this project.

Read also:  Method Statement for Pouring Concrete on Slab on Grade

4. Reference

• Shop drawings and diagrams

5. Material

• Steel Reinforcements measuring 10mm in diameter
• Chemical Epoxy Anchoring (Supplier name here)
• Precast Kerbstone measuring: 150x150x915mm
• Interlock Tiles measuring: 60mm in thickness

6. Manpower

• Construction Manager
• Site Engineer
• Quality Control Engineer
• Safety Officer
• Foreman
• Scaffolder
• Carpenters
• Helpers

7. Equipment and Tools

• Forklift/Telehandler
• Drilling machine
• Wheelbarrow
• Spirit level
• Hammer
• Trowel
• Steel meter
• Trowel
• Personal Protective Gear

8. Responsibilities

• Construction Manager will take responsibility for implementing everything in this Method Statement.

• Company Safety Officers will ensure that all safety procedures and measures are implemented in relation to the type of work being done according to the project’s HSE plan.

• Company QA/QC Engineer for the site will take responsibility for implementing the QA/QC Work as spelled out in the quality plan.

9. Methodology

9.1 Before Installation

9.1.1 Air blower to be used for cleaning everything, from removing concrete waste and sand to any other harmful materials.

9.1.2 Temporary barricades to be placed around the area that is planned for the installation project.

9.1.3 Adequate lighting to be provided in Basement 1 and Basement 2 prior to and during the installation to ensure the safety of workers.

9.1.4 All operatives are required to take safety induction training prior to entering the site and working to install the kerbstone and interlock tiles.

9.2 Process of Laying the Precast Kerbstone

9.2.2 The approved kerbstone is to be made accessible near the specified work area.

9.2.3 The design, pattern, levels, and etc. shall match approved contract or shop drawing.

Read also:  Method Statement for Water Leakage Test for Installed Curtain Walls

9.2.4 Surveyor is to check and clearly mark all the required levels, alignment, set outline where the Kerbstone is to be installed according to the drawing.

9.2.5 Generally, Kerbstone is to be laid on a cement-sand (1:4) mortar bed with a concrete substrate / foundation.

Note: To fix Kerbstone on a concrete ramp/slab inside the building, a separate
concrete substrate/foundation is not a requirement. Thickness of bedding will be determined according to the condition of the site, (i.e. to follow the top level of kerb).

9.2.6 Kerbstone’s joints are to be fixed side-by-side and touching one another. Joints to be pointed/flushed with cement-sand mortar bed.

9.2.7 Curing is to be achieved for joints and mortar bed with 2 days of spraying water.

9.2.8 Approximately every 6.0 meters or every 6th joint of Kerbstone is to be left free to expand or to be provided with a 10mm Flexcell sheet. At all rounded corners, the Kerbstone is to be cut into a smaller size to meet the required alignment and curve.

9.2.9 The line, alignment and level of Kerbstone are to be checked periodically throughout
the installation to ensure that it complies with the drawing and site requirements.

9.3 Process of Laying Interlock Tiles

9.3.1 Approved interlock tiles of the correct types and thickness to be made accessible near the work area.

9.3.2 Precast Kerbstone is to be laid according to the line, alignment, and level indicated
on the drawing, which are to be checked before laying the interlock tiles.

9.3.3 Interlock tiles inside the building in Basement 1 & 2, and on the Ground floor are to be laid over a semi-dry cement-sand bed (1:6).

9.3.4 Interlock tiles are to be laid according to the pattern shown in the sample or drawing after receiving approval by the engineer.

Read also:  Method Statement for Temporary Ladder Access Scaffolding and Walkway for Hanging Platform

9.3.5 While laying the interlock tiles, great care is to be taken to make sure the joint between each interlock does not exceed 3 mm. Sand is be spread around and brushed into each joint. A plate compactor/vibrator is to be used in compacting the area.

9.3.6 To prevent any damage to the Kerbstone/interlock tiles, great care is to be taken using the plate compactor.

9.3.7 Where the interlock tiles need to be properly sized, the pieces will be cut by machine into their correct sizes.

9.3.8. After completing the work in a given area, workers will clean the space, removing excess sand and Kerbstone. Interlock tiles that have been damaged will be repaired or replaced.

10. Quality Assurance and Quality Control

• QA/QC staff will be responsible for monitoring the work to ensure that this method statement and other documents are approved prior to starting the project to install the kerbstone and interlock tiles.

11. Safety

• All project work is to be done in complete compliance with the safety procedures as spelled out in the approved HSE plan for the project as well as all safety recommendations by local authorities.

• All work is to comply with the safety procedures spelled out in the project’s safety plan.

• All workers will wear basic PPE for their safety.

• Sufficient lighting is to be arranged while the project is being worked on.

End of Method Statement

What procedure or method do you use in the installation of your kerbstone and interlock tiles? Do you use the same methodology as stated above? Tell us about your thoughts by writing in the comment box below.
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