Why Understanding About Method Statement Is Important To Engineers In Construction

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Understanding About Method Statement or Work Procedure.

One of the most important documents in a project is Method Statement or in other term Work Procedure, it is usually stated in the Contract as one of the requirements.

Here is a Method Statement definition:

Method Statement – A form of a document wherein it states the procedure of an activity at the site including safety. It also includes site preparation, materials, and tools to be used. Risk assessment for an activity is usually included.

Who prepares Method Statement?

When I was at my first job in the first company here in the UAE, the first time in the field of Quality Assurance and Quality Control, our Quality Manager prepares the Method Statement.


My Table where I write Method Statement

But when I had my three years experience as QA/QC Engineer I can write then a Method Statement. Especially when I joined in a new company I made all our Method Statement, by the way, it was easy writing MS because it was just like writing down about what I have experienced and learned from a certain work on construction site.

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But please note that Method Statement shall be made in accordance with the specification of the project. So the specification must be read first before constructing MS.

Who checks Method Statement?

Before a Method Statement is submitted to the Engineer or Consultant, the Project Manager and Construction Manager will check it first to make it sure its relevance especially, the materials indicated. Sometimes there are internal changes apart from the Contract Documents so it should always be checked by a PM and CM then revision must be made.

Who approves Method Statement?

The Method Statement should be submitted to the Engineer or Consultant for approval. Once it is approved it could then be used as a guide for the site crews for the application.

It is necessary to place a copy of Method Statement on site ready for any visitors (PM of Contractor, Engineer, Client etc.) guide when they want to see if the process of the work is being done as per Method Statement.

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Why do you need Method Statement?

In each activity on site, there must be a method statement. You might ask “why?”  Well, first, it is mentioned in your specification that you need to submit an MS on that particular activity. It also identifies, material required, manpower, equipment or tools, procedure, the safety of the activity (most importantly) and other relevant documents.

When do you need a Method Statement?

Usually, before the start of activity on the site, you should prepare an MS at least 15 days prior. So you as a quality engineer or civil engineer should prepare before that time so that you will not get late on the submission to the engineer for approval. As I’ve mentioned this in my other blogs that you cannot start an activity unless you have approved MS.

Here are the contents of the Method Statement we are using:

 Table of Content

  1. Title
  2. Scope of Work
    2.2 General Description
    2.3 Equipment and Tools
    2.4 Materials and Reference
    2.5 Work Procedure
    2.6 Safety
    2.7 Organization, Responsibilities, and Supervision
    2.8 Work Force
  3. Environmental, Safety, and Health
    3.1 Risk Assessment
  4. Quality Assurance
    4.1 Quality Requirements Table
  5. Appendices and References
Read also:  Method Statement for Footing Concrete Pouring

-End of the Method Statement-

If you would like to request a soft copy of this Method Statement format, you may email me or contact me using this Contact Form or subscribe above to download the method statement format.

I will publish the Method Statements we’ve done so it’s gonna be a good guide for every Quality Engineer.

I will post the Understanding About Inspection and Test Plan and Checklist in the next article. So watch out for that.

Did you know the above-mentioned Understanding About Method Statement? Please comment down on the comment box below if you knew it already.

Thank you.

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