7 Reasons Why You Should Make Quality Assurance And Quality Control Engineer As Your First Choice Career

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A quality assurance and quality control engineer is a career that you can be proud of, it is the best career that everyone can take to make his or her life prosperous, easier, and happier. It’s a lot of fun along the way as well as the financial security as we could say when you just stay as being a quality engineer for 5, 8, and 10 years and become a quality manager. Whoa, that’s a lot of fun and interesting, you might ask why? You will find it later.

It’s a field of specialization of a civil engineer. By the way, it is better to be a civil engineer and if you are willing to venture into other fields of specialization. Yes! There are lots of fields of specialization that you can choose from, I don’t want to mention here each of them. I choose this career not by accident, but it was my intuition while in college.

Every civil engineer has his or her own choice of field of specialization. Each has reasons why he or she got the job which each is holding up right now. Now, the most critical thing is that you have to choose only one.

So! Here are 7 reasons why you should choose quality assurance and quality control engineer career as your first choice.

1. Easy to handle and adapt

In my first day on my first job, I immediately went to one of our projects which is road construction which is really very easy to check the work. There is that the layout of the road, the level after grading, compact the base by a vibratory roller after that check the field density. If there is underground water pipe, box culvert beside the sidewalk, laying of concrete pipe, etc.

Read also:  History of Quality

After the horizontal project, I was assigned to vertical projects which is even more adaptable, why? Because you can easily read the drawing, you can easily understand the requirements in the specification, the tests required, etc.

2. Gain tremendous respect from people

Once you got the first job initially you will be introduced to other staff of the company and in the project you involved in and eventually become known in your project vicinity. So, being a Quality Assurance and Quality Control Engineer, you will then gain respect from your colleagues and site people as well.

3. Can become a consultant

Now here is a good chance, you might become a consultant or engineer in a consultancy firm. You might ask why? Because the work of a Quality Assurance and Quality Control Engineer is vast when you are on a contractor side. A Quality Assurance and Quality Control Engineer is handling almost everything which I explained in the article “The duties and responsibilities of a qaqc engineer.” Once you become a consultant it is easy for you to handle things because you’d almost familiarized everything during the stint as a Quality Assurance and Quality Control Engineer.

There are plenty of engineers desiring to become a consultant, well, be proud because when you become consultant everything will be easy for you. So, that’s a big advantage there if you will become a consultant.

Read also:  The Overview and Importance of ISO 9001 Quality Management System

4. Gain more knowledge about your work

Other colleagues are generous to share their knowledge with you if you would ASK. Don’t hold yourself to try to ask someone else about what, where, and why of your work-related matters. If you are creative and information-seeking person and willing to learn fast do what you need to do, like reading your company documents and project documents, asking and researching, etc.

5. Challenging and a lot of fun

Yes.. Like when you attend meetings. Quality Manager, CEO, Construction Director, and Project Managers are sharing their views and supportive reasons in discussing about issues on site. As a Quality Assurance and Quality Control Engineer, you will learn then and be challenged your thinking that you will be soon like them, who knows?

One time I attended a meeting and they were raising their voice in delivering their reasons haha. It was a lot of fun, but somehow it gives me experience and idea,s and most importantly I learned. So once you are involved in big projects try to be attentive and you will learn a lot.

6. High-paying career

A quality assurance and quality control engineer are a high-paying field and this is really interesting. Once you’ll get experience and stay for long in Quality Assurance and Quality Control engineer career you will grow quicker and eventually the rate of promotions is quite high and that would result to greater offers or pay. In conclusion; the more the experience you have, the more the offers you’ll get.


Image courtesy of Indeed.com

Like me when I completed my three years contract in my first company back then, when I received the offer of the second company, it was doubled the pay in the first company. Maybe it is because of my efforts, being on one job, staying in one career, my decisiveness, etc. So be excited and stay in your career right now, don’t change, I know you will grow along the way. Like me hehe. Someone said, “Just enjoy the ride.” I believe in this saying “Even how slow you are so long as you do not stop” it’s really captivated me and became eager to work hard and to learn more because after the contract again it had an advantage.

Read also:  What is Quality Assurance and Quality Control and Its Differences?

7. Training that can make you grow tremendously

A lot of related training that you can avail to help you grow quickly in your career. The more training you got, the more competent you are. There are several pieces of information that you’ll feed and eventually apply in your work. So, when compared to the others you are far distant enough who doesn’t have.

You might want to answer this question “What are your reasons why you should make quality assurance and quality control engineer as your first choice career?”

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